Music Helper

Collection of simple generators to spark some musical inspiration.

It's still under construction but for now the project includes generators of notes, keys, chords. Working on chord progressions now!

tweet me if you have any requests or ideas for this application.

Javascript re-write of a Python app.

Who Knows?

there's nothing here yet... but i'm planning an a* pathfinder visualization app

javascript, because i want it pretty

Who Knows?

there's nothing here yet... but i'm planning on playing with three.js

Javascript, duh

Who Knows?

there's nothing here yet...

might be klingon!

profile picture

Hello, I'm Isabella

I'm a 23 year old brazilian girl, one semester away from getting my degree in History.

I'm using my mandatory quarentine time to try and create a few small web applications.

you can contact me through twitter.